Embrace your inner power and unleash your leadership potential!
What thoughts and emotions keep you from appreciating the joy in your daily life, relationships and work?
What doubts keep you from being connected with yourself and to take decisive actions?
What beliefs prevent you from seeing plenty of options and perspectives that are available to you?
Do you or did you struggle through difficult times, through a lot of suffering and seeing yourself focussing on the future and the past and not live your life now?
It's like passing by as the superhero "the flash". We can spend time and a whole life trying to change other people and the world and to be always into an action mode. And before we know we don't take the time to question ourselves.
That was part of my universe up till Yesterday. Through trying, failing, being determined to move forward I learn that being detached of your thoughts, accepting them and to see them through the glasses of curiosity you connect viscerally with your own potential.
And it's that mindset that defines successful people!
This retreat is for anyone who wants to slow down, to take the time to work effectively and compassionately with the places you are noticing yourself stuck or uncomfortable and discover more freedom, clear thinking and peace for yourself.
Some outcomes you will leave with:
Connection with your core and potential
Awareness of your power
New horizons
Ability to express your leadership in your daily life
Connection to other like-minded members of the Tombo community
A shining liveliness
Love for who you really are; owning what you really desire
Bursting energy and drive
Ability to start a new journey
Are you ready for your work to create a positive change?Are you ready to feel more connected with your essence and energised with what you do? Then let’s start!
Join other women to rewild yourself!
Embrace your inner power and unleash your leadership potential!
October 9-13, 2019, Spanish Pyrenees.
Click here for more information and to guarantee your place at the Rewild Yourself Retreat!
Your facilitator: Arsenia Corcoba Santamaria, Life & Leadership Expert,
Head Coach at Tombo Tribe Consulting
My mission is to help you transform yourself into grounded leader.
Springtime News Tombo Tribe
In the Japanese culture springtime has the symbolic metaphor of a new life cycle and
at Tombo Tribe, we also celebrate a new cycle where the seeds grow to the next stage.
It's beautiful to acknowledge the impact and the growth of the Mentoring Programme Arsenia designed and led for Professional Women International in Brussels.
She brought the programme to another level. She cares and she shares: "Leading +100 ladies in their growth is graceful to witness and to see them take their ownership is a gift to the heart."
Tombo Tribe also celebrates the expansion and the drive some profit and profit organisations are currently making as a result of our leadership advise.
Her purpose is to encourage people to have courageous conversations and to support individuals and teams to get in touch with their real successes. Tombo tribe strives for heartful, human leadership in an age of machines.
Last year Tombo Tribe has also been deepening and expanding the coaching community both in terms of our diversity and expertise as a council member of The Coaching Fellowship worldwide. Arsenia also continues to support and to lead the Belgian Co-Active Community in an organic way.
We also continue to support the leaders of tomorrow: the children.
In 2019 Tombo collaborates with schools, the library from Ixelles and other non-profit organisations with whom she works to co-create a more inclusive and diverse community.
We create learning experiences
with and in nature, for personal and organisational
leadership growth
Tombo Events 2019
09/05: The Power of a beautiful Mind
07/06: Leading from within
19/09: Leadership and her 5 natural elements
09-13/10: “Rewild Yourself” Tombo Retreat
21-22/11: Leading Allies
Leadership Areas at Tombo Tribe
We help building open, efficient, authentic and beautiful organisations in times of permanent technological change. We inspire organisations to be more humanistic than ever and to dare to have courageous conversations in the age of machines.
Your leadership takes different forms and it depends of what are the current needs of your organisation. What’s your path, your way, your do道 like we say in martial arts?
Following an extensive conversation to understand those needs, your way as an innovative organisation and your desired outcomes one of our leadership insights will be designed for you.
Are you ready to explore how we can work together, get in touch today. Reach out
Siempre tienes opciones a la hora de encontrarte con tus saboteadores internos
Todas tenemos una colección de saboteadores internos o críticas internas. Lo importante es que están aquí haciendo lo máximo posible para que tu no puedas lograr tus metas.
En kendo si prestas a tus saboteadores internos, das una oportunidad a tu oponente y entonces pierdes el combate.
Tus saboteadores internos no te representan y están ahí solo para acaparar todo el espacio en tu cerebro.No te puedes permitir en una competición o en un encuentro laboral que todo un equipo completo de saboteadores de rugby dirijan la fiesta.
En el momento en el que un saboteador se despierta , nos provoca un impulso que nos lleva a responder de manera adecuada o no adecuada. Desde una perspectiva científica podemos distinguir:
irritación - impulso - comportamiento
Me gusta mucho la metáfora: “observar los saboteadores como estaciones de trenes”. Te invito a explorar las estaciones para que puedas identificar las distintas paradas, aprender cómo son y entender lo que te hacen sentir en tu interior sin prestarle atención a la emoción. Te invito también a reconocer estas estaciones cuando te acerques a ellas y a bajarte del tren lo antes posible!
Este trabajo lo hago con atletas de alto nivel en kendo y en un entorno laboral de alto rendimiento. La meditación, mis estancias en Japón y el kendo son experiencias que me han permitido aprender y evolucionar. Gracias al conocimiento obtenido, hoy me permite hacer el trabajo de coach, facilitadora, directora de un programa de mentoring y consultora en liderazgo para Tombo Tribe.
Una vez que trabajes sobre este tema repitiendo estas acciones de manera destacada con tu(s) saboteador(es), TU podrás elegir, y cuando podrás elegir, TU podrás cambiar TU comportamiento y elegir el impacto que TU quieres en TU proyecto de vida!
irritación - impulso - consciencia - elección - comportamiento
Y tu? Qué es lo mejor que puedes hacer para crear una nuevo impacto? Qué tipo de energía creas en tu contorno con este cambio? Tengo curiosidad leer como tratais con ello. Comparte uno conmigo y un consejo: no te los tomes en serio cuando se manifiesten :-) Podéis crear momentum y un impacto positivo.
Arsenia Corcoba Santamaria, jugadora de élite de kendo y empresaria de Tombo Tribe.
Leading from the heart
I see this picture and it reminds me the importance of leading from the heart.
It reminds me to hear the others.
It reminds me to understand my needs and the needs of the others.
It reminds me to create a safety net when leading teams.
It reminds me: you can have a big heart and still say NO.
These are my words.
Tombo Coaching grows into Tombo Tribe!
Today I say "thank you" to all of you supporting Tombo up till now! It's a great honour to know I can lean in and I'm never alone into this adventurous journey. I also know whatever will happen I always have a colourful parachute that supports me.
Today I invite you to join me in this beautiful celebration. It all started around empowering kids and the drive to create heartful leaders on mother earth. On my path I discover I'm a catalyst and it's beautiful to see the impact I create around me up till now.
My curiosity and my driven spirit continue to engage people and to grow organically.
Tombo Coaching grows into Tombo Tribe. It grows, and it's more than coaching.
It grows into sustainable partnerships. I choose my partners based on our synergies and the alignment with Tombo. Today Tombo Tribe collaborates with 2 psychologists and an anthropologist.
She has a pool of coaches under her umbrella and she provides consultancy, mentoring and corporate training.
Today I invite you to join us to pause and to celebrate this special moment.
From now on the website is and you can join the tribe at